The Work of Sir Evelyn Baring
- Created by: WgouldUk
- Created on: 08-03-17 16:38
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- The Work of Sir Evelyn Baring
- Drawbacks
- Long delays in reforming the land tax
- Neglected investment in secondary education
- Although agriculture was boosted by improved irrigation, its development was held back by the inequality of the land system
- Achievements
- Debt repayment constituted half go the total money raised in tax
- Baring economically restored the government of Egypt to solvency by 1887
- London Convention 1885: Agreed a loan of £9 m to Egypt and £8 m was spent on stabilising debt
- Baring spent the remaining £1 m of the Convention loan on irrigation and cleaning the drainage canals of the Nile valley to improve agriculture
- Baring's work improved the livelihoods of many farmers
- Baring spent the remaining £1 m of the Convention loan on irrigation and cleaning the drainage canals of the Nile valley to improve agriculture
- Background
- 1883 Baring was made British Consul General in Egypt
- Believed that there needed to be fundamental, long term changes in government institutions of Egypt
- Justified long-term intervention to bring Egypt out of poor economic shape
- Convinced that the future of Egypt relied upon improving agriculture
- Reforms
- Achievements
- Debt repayment constituted half go the total money raised in tax
- Baring economically restored the government of Egypt to solvency by 1887
- London Convention 1885: Agreed a loan of £9 m to Egypt and £8 m was spent on stabilising debt
- Baring spent the remaining £1 m of the Convention loan on irrigation and cleaning the drainage canals of the Nile valley to improve agriculture
- Baring's work improved the livelihoods of many farmers
- Baring spent the remaining £1 m of the Convention loan on irrigation and cleaning the drainage canals of the Nile valley to improve agriculture
- Drawbacks
- Long delays in reforming the land tax
- Neglected investment in secondary education
- Although agriculture was boosted by improved irrigation, its development was held back by the inequality of the land system
- Implementing more financial controls on Egypt
- Believed in British intervention in order to reform the country for the benefit of its poorest subjects
- Achievements
- Drawbacks
- Baring put off fundamental tax reform until a full land survey was completed in the early 20th C
- Inequality in taxation system was not addressed until early 20th C
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