The Battle of Isandlwana
- Created by: anna
- Created on: 04-01-15 13:18
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- The Battle of Isandlwana
- 2. The day which the battle was fought was unlcky for the zulus
- 3. British at disadvantage because the ground shielded the zulus from view
- 1. low morale for troops as they had marched a lot
- 4. some officers came without rifles as too heavy
- 5. proper defences not built
- 7.british fired at zulus till ran out of ammo then were refused more ammo
- 6. unexperianced commander
- 8. zulus encircled the camp
- 9. native african soldiers fled
- 10. zulus broke in through the rear
- 11. pockets of british soldiers fought till they were overwhelmed
- 12. all the soldiers were killed only 55 out of out of 1000 escaped
- 13. zulus had more deaths than the british
- 14. the zulus had woken a sleeping giant, the british had lots of resources
- 2. The day which the battle was fought was unlcky for the zulus
- 7.british fired at zulus till ran out of ammo then were refused more ammo
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