the body
- Created by: George don
- Created on: 01-04-13 15:53
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- The muscles
- Gluteus Maximus
- Overall movement of the legs
- Trapezius
- move the neck
- Quadriceps
- Extends or straightens the knee joint
- pectorals
- Abduct the arm
- Hamstrings
- the bending of the knees
- Triceps
- Straightens the arm
- Gastrocnemius
- similar to quads but is used for flexion on the ankle
- Biceps
- Flexing your arm
- Latissimus dorsi
- Swinging the arm
- Deltroid
- Used in the movement of the arm
- Abdominals
- the upper body control
- Gluteus Maximus
- movements
- Extension
- Straightening limbs at a joint
- Flexion
- Bending at a joint
- rotation
- a circular movement around a fixed point
- Abduction
- Mover away from the middle
- Adduction
- Movement towards the body
- Extension
- The muscles
- Skeletal
- Joints
- Ball and socket
- Hip
- Pelvis and femur
- Shoulder
- Scapula and cavicle
- Hip
- Pivot joint
- Neck
- Vertebra
- Neck
- Hinge
- Elbow
- Radius and Humerus
- Knee
- Patella and femur
- Elbow
- Ball and socket
- movements
- Extension
- Straightening limbs at a joint
- Flexion
- Bending at a joint
- rotation
- a circular movement around a fixed point
- Abduction
- Mover away from the middle
- Adduction
- Movement towards the body
- Extension
- Joints
- Cardiovascular system
- Stroke volume
- Blood pumped by heart in 1 contraction
- Cardiac output
- the amount of blood in one minute
- Heart rate x stroke volume
- the amount of blood in one minute
- More exercise = a higher heart rate and thus our heart will pump more blood
- Stroke volume
- Respiratory system
- increased rate in breathing
- the mor oxygen is used to fuel the body
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