The Butcher's Shop
Mindmap for analysing "The Butcher's Shop" by Angela Topping
- Created by: emily_w
- Created on: 20-04-14 11:42
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- The Butcher's Shop
- Word Choice
- "martyrs'"
- innocence
- sacrifice
- dying for a cause, ie meat
- "hang"
- execution
- "stained"
- dirty
- permanently damaged by profession
- "plastic hedges"
- contrast
- fake
- eating meat is unnatural
- "playing farms"
- "soggy"
- unattractive and unappealing
- "martyrs'"
- Figurative language
- "open mouthed"
- double meaning
- literally have open mouths
- shocked at brutality
- "white apron stained"
- metaphor
- loss of innocence
- butcher damaged by profession
- "open mouthed"
- Grammar
- "What does the sheep say now?"
- interrogative
- rhetorical question
- mocking
- childish tone
- "your"
- personal pronoun
- reader complicit in slaughter--supply and demand
- "children's book"
- juxtaposition of children's cute view of animals with reality
- "What does the sheep say now?"
- Context
- CoR
- poem would spark debate about if eating meat is morally wrong or if people who do are bad people
- would probably get a very strong reaction because of what it is suggesting about meat eaters
- CoP
- poet thinks meat eating is barbaric
- "voting Tory all their lives
- political context
- could be calling eating meat old fashoined because we know it's not entirely necessary
- uses nursery rhyme to mock
- this little piggy went to market got bough by a butcher had its throat cut and bled "All the way home"
- CoR
- Sound Patterning
- "hang/stiff"
- enjambment
- relating to "hang"
- creates grisly imagery
- "hang/stiff"
- Links
- Text 9
- persuasive
- what we should/shouldn't eat
- Text 11
- what we should/shouldn't eat
- persuading not to eat meat, but in different ways
- Text 6
- delicious vs DESGUSTENG
- relishing chocolate vs being disgusted by meat
- Text 9
- Word Choice
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