The Classical Era
- Created by: katyrm
- Created on: 28-03-14 17:45
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- The Classical Era
- 1750-1800's
- Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn
- Orchestra was formed
- Function of harpsichord taken over by woodwind
- After baroque period
- Exposition
- Development
- Recapitulation
- Development
- Exposition
- Symphony
- Genre for orchestra
- 3 or 4 Movements
- 1st movement
- Fast tempo
- Sonata Form
- 2nd movement
- Slow tempo
- Various forms
- 3rd movement
- minuet & trio
- 4th movement
- Fast tempo
- Sonata form/ Rhondo- ABAC
- 1st movement
- Sonata form is used in 1st and last movements
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