The Coming of Yams and Mangoes and Mountain Honey
Mind map for analysing "The Coming of Yams and Mangoes and Mountain Honey" by James Berry.
- Created by: emily_w
- Created on: 31-03-14 09:48
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- The Coming of Yams and Mangoes and Mountain Honey
- Grammar
- "childrens"
- Untitled
- "childrens"
- Structure, layout and presentation
- Sound patterning
- "Handfuls hold hidden"
- Alliteration to emphasis effort and exertion of work
- "sweetnesses of summer settle smells"
- sibilance to match pleasant imagery
- "Handfuls hold hidden"
- Figurative language
- "soaked in sunrise"
- excess of sun, luxurious, contrast with UK
- "hang by"
- passivity--removed form British cultrue, or sees it as bland/shallow
- "soaked in sunrise"
- Word Choice
- "hidden sunset"
- ignorance of Britons to Carribean culture and where their food comes from
- "stuffing up bags"
- careless and rushed. London life--greed, lack of care
- "pimentoberries"
- Deliberately using fruits Brits won't know about
- "stalled in groups"
- restrictions, ordered, contrast with liveliness of Carribean
- "hidden sunset"
- CoR/CoP
- "breadfruit a green football"
- Football is a part of British culture--comparison
- "won't hear the nightingale"
- absence of nature in London compared to poet's home in rural Carribean
- "red buses pass for donkeys now"
- novelty of England wearing off as he gets used to London, Jamaicans leaving impression on London
- "breadfruit a green football"
- Grammar
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