The Conquest of Britain AD 43-142
- Created by: GracieGrace
- Created on: 24-04-15 09:03
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- The Conquest of Britain AD43-142
- 142AD- Emperor Antoninus Pius built the Antonine Wall (turf and timber)
- The Claudian Invasion
- Tacitus included a contemporary account of the invasion
- Dio Cassius wrote around 160 years later- but had access to the original records so likely to be reliable
- Tacitus included a contemporary account of the invasion
- Reasons for invasion
- 1. support a client King- Verica (a King of the Atrebates)
- 2. Claudius came to power after Caligula- needed to prove himself (following in the footsteps of Julius Caesar)
- 3. Conquest meant more land and people to be exploited- Romans also felt they were doing the Britains a favor
- Britain AD43
- Caesar said in his writings of 55BC that the closer the tribe was to the Roman Empire the more Romanized they were
- soldiers refused to board the ships because they were heading into the unknown
- Landings were either at Richborough (Kent) or Fishbourne (Sussex)
- Richborough- main route to the Thames and later Claudian buildings
- Fishbourne- Offered the security of a pro-roman tribal area
- Triumphed after the fall of the Catuvellaunian Opidum Camulodunum
- 43AD- 60AD
- 17 years- taken the troops north, west and south
- The 2nd Augusta is the best documented legion led by Vespasian
- supported by a fleet they took a number of Hill forts in Dorset including Maiden Castle
- A tombs stone has been excavated in Alcester in Oxfordshire- has revealed an inscription of a veteran suggesting it operated much further north than thought
- The Fosse Way was built from Exeter to Lincolnshire
- provided good communication and may have constituted as a frontier- but not certain.
- Not fortified but military posts were scattered along it
- 1X Legion had reached Lincoln and the X1V Gemina was heading for wales
- Road network was fanning out from London, which was becoming important for trade
- The Roman Navy controlled the coastline
- By AD 47 much or Britain had capitulated give the romans vital allies
- Togidubnus- inscription from Chichester locates him there
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