The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
- Created by: Emma
- Created on: 03-04-15 09:16
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- The CPS
- What is it?
- Advising the police on cases
- Reviews cases from the police
- Determines charge or sentence
- Prepares the cases
- Presents the cases
- Headed by the Attorney General
- Split into 13 geographical areas
- Created in 1985
- Reliance on police evidence
- Rights
- Presumption of innocence
- Victims rights
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Right to silence
- Right to bail
- Right to legal advice
- Independence
- Independent agency
- Takes prosecution away from police
- Filters weak cases
- Decision-making
- Code for Crown Prosecutors
- Fair
- Objective
- Justice
- Discretion
- Realistic prospect of conviction
- In the publics interest
- Discontinuation
- Models of justice
- Crime control
- Due process
- Rights approach
- Freedom model
- Managerialism
- the operation of the CPS
- Value for money
- Economy
- Efficiency
- Effectiveness
- Business like
- Treatment
- Race
- Overrepresented
- Stop and search
- more likely to be arrested
- Harsher treatment
- Different court outcomes
- Gender
- Women treated differently
- Geography
- Race
- What is it?
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