The Crucible: Main Charactors
- Created by: ellacooperr
- Created on: 31-03-14 16:31
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- The Crucible: Main Charactors
- Abigail Williams
- Proctor
- Affair
- Lust
- Jealous of Elizabeth
- desire to get revenge
- fired her from house maid
- Villain
- Least complex charector
- manipulative
- manipulates whole town and friends
- sends 19 innocent to their death
- unmarried
- low in society ladder
- powerless
- sends 19 innocent to their death
- powerless
- low in society ladder
- Proctor
- Reverend Hale
- witch hunter
- naive
- intellectual
- long description by Miller
- transformation
- beginning
- books
- air of great knowledge
- force behind trials
- books
- end
- opposes trials
- too late
- despair
- audience sympathy
- becomes convinced they are telling truth
- beginning
- Proctor
- tragedy- tragic hero
- good man
- one flaw
- lust for abigail
- adulterter
- begins abigails jealousy
- all witch accusatuions
- hidden sin
- one flaw
- proud of reputation and name
- must confess to adultery
- too late/gone too far
- too late
- despair
- too late
- too late/gone too far
- must confess to adultery
- stern, harsh tongued
- hates hippocrasy
- Abigail Williams
- Jealous of Elizabeth
- desire to get revenge
- fired her from house maid
- intellectual
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