the death of the Helvidiae
- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 17-05-14 21:32
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- the death of the Helvidiae
- telling how tradgic it is that both of the sisters died in child brith
- Their the step granddaughter of Fannia
- her husband was put to death for his political/ philosophical views
- written by pliny in 104 AD
- shows that pliny values females as he is remorseful over their deaths
- the daughters both gave birth to girls so they wont carry the bloodline
- neither of the girls are given a name which shows they're respectful
- they died a dutiful way
- only one of the children survives
- it is important that he is kept in good health or the bloodline will stop
- he praises his father and grandfather by hoping that he will be 'as good as his grandfather and his father'
- Helvidus was Fannia's stepson
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