The Debate Over Hispanic Immigration
- Created by: DaisyR13
- Created on: 08-06-14 20:53
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- The Debate Over Hispanic Immigration
- Key Concepts in the Debate
- Integration/ assimilation
- The process of absorbing new cultures and ethnic groups into a dominant white Anglo Saxon political culture of the USA
- Multiracialism
- The idea that there can be many races from various backgrounds in society who can still live side by side if they share the same values and outlook (and language)
- Multiculturalism
- Different members from different racial backgrounds but also has and accepts different cultures, language and outlook
- Integration/ assimilation
- Conservative Views (Republican)
- Generally demand integration/ assimilation
- On the conservative right, accept multiracialism
- Reject multiculturalism, newcomers should adopt American ways
- Liberal Views (Mostly Democrats)
- Immigration restrictions should not target Hispanics and illegal immigrants should be legalised and given a chance
- Provisions for bilingualism
- Best way to preserve social harmony and prevent resentment, they make up 18% of society so their views should be listened to
- New Hispanic immigrants only speak Spanish and have their own distinct communities and way of life
- In some places the concentration of them is so intense Spanish is now equal to English
- Detailed Conservative Arguments
- Over 2.25 million Mexicans crossed in the 90s legally and many more illegally, some claim that they will make up 31% of the pop. by 2060
- Hispanic immigration is much bigger than ever, 2,000 mile border with Mexico makes it easier to cross illegally
- In recent decades 11 million Hispanics have entered illegally
- Concentrated in the Southern border states and Florida so difficult to make them assimilate
- Anglo Saxon culture is important because these are the values that define America
- They do not want to assimilate and want to keep their own language and culture - 10% of the American population speak Spanish as their first language
- Not all Republicans support this, George Bush from Texas was sympathetic to Hispanics
- Did radio broadcasts in both English and Spanish
- Main Liberal Policies
- Bi lingual provision for Spanish speakers in places like schools and those holding public office
- America needs to adapt to allow the Hispanic population to have its own cultural and political views
- Conservative Policies
- Deal more harshly with illegal immigrants
- Restrict immigration by Hispanics because they are a threat to American social unity
- Take measures to ensure the English language remains dominant
- Key Concepts in the Debate
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