The effects of labelling
- Created by: Ja11en
- Created on: 23-03-15 17:56
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- The effect of labelling
- Introduction
- Labelling theorists are interested in the effects of labelling
- Claim that labelling actually encourages them to become more deviant or criminal
- Primary and secondary deviance (Lemert)
- Primary: Deviant acts that have not been labelled
- Acts are not organised (moment of madness).
- Little significance for the individuals status
- Secondary: Is the result of societal reaction (being labelled)
- Being labelled can lead to humiliation or excluded from normal society
- This label becomes his master status
- Deviant will accept label which leads to self fulfilling prophecy
- Not the act itself but the hostile reaction by the social audience that creates deviance
- Primary: Deviant acts that have not been labelled
- Deviance Amplification
- Process where the attempt to control deviance leads to an increase
- Endless spiral
- Leads to greater attempts to control it and then produces more deviance again
- Press exaggeration and distorted reporting creates more panic
- Labelling and criminal justice policy
- Studies have shown how increases in attempt to control and punish young offenders are having opposite effect
- Triplett notes an increasing tendency to see young offenders as evil and less tolerant to minor deviance
- Logically to reduce deviance we should enforce fewer rules for people to break
- Studies have shown how increases in attempt to control and punish young offenders are having opposite effect
- Shaming
- Disintegrative shaming
- Crime and criminal is labelled - offender is excluded
- Reintegrative shaming
- Labels the act rather than the actor
- Disintegrative shaming
- Evaluation
- Shows that the law is not a fixed set of rules to be taken for granted
- Crime statistics are more a record of activity than criminals
- Too deterministic
- Emphasis on negative effects gives victim a status
- Fails to show why they commit the act in the first place
- Would deviance exist without labelling?
- Introduction
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