The effects that alcohol and smoking have on exercise
- Created by: Katie
- Created on: 30-11-13 16:58
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- The effects of smoking and alcohol on exercise
- Short term effects
- Smoking
- It relaxes you
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- reduces tension
- lowers inhibitions
- impairs concentration
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- slows your reflexes
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- impairs reaction time
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- reduced coordination - which can cause injury
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- causes loss of balance - which can cause injury.
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- It relaxes you
- Alcohol
- Breathlessness
- This effects your performance during exercise.
- Breathlessness
- Smoking
- Long term-effects
- Alcohol
- increased weight
- which affects agility and flexibility
- you burn more calories
- increase in air resistance
- change in centre of gravity
- Increase chance of cancer in the liver and/or bowel.
- Increase cance of heart failure
- High blood pressure
- Addictive.
- increased weight
- Smoking
- Can lead to heart and lung disease, cancer or premature death.
- More likely to have a heart attack and more likely to die from heart disease.
- More likely to have strokes, blood clots and angina.
- Can cause respiratory disease, like emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
- Unable to do much activity.
- Risk of diabetes is much higher.
- Addictive
- Decrease performance in practical activity due to carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke.
- Alcohol
- Short term effects
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