The Eucharist
- Created by: Amber Meghani
- Created on: 27-05-13 13:57
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- The Eucharist
- The service of Thanks Giving
- One of the Christians Sacraments (a visible sign of Gods grace- his loving kindness
- The Bread represents Jesus's Flesh and the Wine represents the Blood
- Christians believe that he gave in death to "Save the World from Sin"
- How it begins
- The religious leader blesses the Bread and Wine at the Altar
- The Wine is put in a GOBLET (cup) known as the Chalice
- The wafer thin bread is put on a PATEN which is known as Plate
- The religious leader blesses the Bread and Wine at the Altar
- Some believe that when the Priest blesses the Bread and Wine, they become the actual flesh and blood of Jesus in the Church
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