final solution
- Created by: sophie2222
- Created on: 01-06-14 20:19
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- The Final Solution-
- 1939 Hitler makes speech-anihilation of Jews
- 1940-Ghettos- 1939-40 600,000 Jews from west Prussia dumped in remainder of German occupied Polland.
- Limited food supplies-Hans frank told Goering of the strain. refused anymore jews. plan came to halt
- 1940 Madagascar Plan-plan to dump Jews on island. Britain controlled seas-refused plan.
- Operation Barbarossa-war fought on racial lines. squads built up of **,security police executed any jews could get hands on. 1941-42 500,000 jews had been shot.
- 1942 Wansee Conference-final details of the Holocaust. worked to death/gassed
- Intentionalist-Hitler made decision between summer/autumn 1941-lifelong ambition.
- 1939 Goering ordered Heydrich to 'bring about complete solution of jewish question'
- Summer- ** working on new project. all jews ordered to wear yellow star.
- Structuralist-do not believe Hitler was prime mover. not planned from beginning, developed out of deteriorated situation.
- No plan of what would happen to the jews. response to problems- Hitler approved but didn't plan it.
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