The Interregnum 1649-1660
A small mindmap laying out the main events and dates of the Interregnum 1649-1660.
- Created by: Rjones9
- Created on: 30-05-14 10:45
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- The Interregnum 1649-1660
- Rump Parliament 49-53
- -Executed the King.
- 1649- 'That man of blood'
- Illegal Parlia
- Abolished Monarchy + House of Lords
- Not Revolutionary- Conservative.
- Council of State (40 members)
- Cromwell + Ireland
- War against Dutch
- Closed by Cromwell 1653, seen as self seeking.
- -Executed the King.
- Protectorate
- Instrument of Government 1653
- Cromwell as Lord Protector
- 1st Protectorate Parlia 1654-5
- Dissolved after 5 lunar months with no acts passed
- 2nd Protectorate Parlia 1656-8
- Opposition to M G'S when army MP'S introduce bill to legalize decimation tax on suspected royalists.
- Instrument of Government 1653
- Rule of Major G'S 1655-56
- Raise new county militias made of manners among the people.
- Tried to suppress certain sports +local gatherings while controlling or closing alehouses.
- Certainly unpopular
- Humble Pet + Advice March 1657
- Cromwell become King to bring back Monarchy
- Control Cromwell more and parlia hold more power.
- Death of Cromwell 1658
- Sparked collapse of interregnum
- Richard Cromwell 1658-59
- Lacked his fathers experience + army influence
- Army forced him to resign
- Return of Monarchy 1660
- Declaration of Breda 1660
- Long parlia recalled + agreed to restore Charles II.
- Only alternative to civil war or military dictatorship
- Declaration of Breda 1660
- Rump Parliament 49-53
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