The Legal Environment- Employment Legislation
- Created by: mad0104
- Created on: 12-04-15 11:28
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- The Legal Environment- Employment Legislation
- Individual Labour Law
- This legisaltion realtes to the rights and obligations of indiviual employees.
- Examples include: National Minimum Wage Act, 1998, Equalities Act 2010, Working Time Reguatlions, 1998
- Collective Labour Law
- This type of law covers the activities of trade unions and the conduct of industrial relations
- Examples include: Employment Acts, 1980 and 1982, Trade Union Act, 1984, Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act, 1993
- Unfair Dismissal
- The termination of a workers contract of employment without a legal reason
- Reasons why employees are dismissed: Redundancy, Gross Misconduct and Failing to carry out duties in a satisfactory manner
- Actions of Unfair Dismissal are compensation claims and taking their case to an employment tribunal
- Individual Labour Law
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