The Liberal Election Victory of 1906
- Created by: Hope
- Created on: 22-04-13 19:19
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- The Liberal Election Victory of 1906
- The Conservative Party had declined
- Their support had gone to the Liberals
- The Labour Party were still too new
- They had only been founded in 1900
- They were a little to conservative for some, it was scary
- They didn't have enough experience yet
- Gave the Liberals more of a majority
- Lib-Lab Pact 1903
- The Labour Party MPs would not stand against the Liberals in local elections
- Gave the Liberals more of a majority
- The Labour Party MPs would not stand against the Liberals in local elections
- Social Surveys
- The social Surveys highlighted the poor conditions of the country
- Liberals most likely to fix it
- Charles Booth (London)
- Seebohm Rowntree (York)
- The social Surveys highlighted the poor conditions of the country
- The Conservative Party had declined
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