The Munich Putsch Revision
- Created by: HuHuxLoops
- Created on: 22-06-13 18:17
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- Success had long-term effects
- Failure caused Hitler + other Nazi leaders to RE-THINK tactics
- LATER proven to be successful
- Hitler gained publicity from the trial. (Gives time to write book) Mein Kempf became a best seller
- People were sympathetic to Nazi ideas.
- Nazi Party was only banned for a short time
- Hitler's sentence was shortened
- Failure caused Hitler + other Nazi leaders to RE-THINK tactics
- Failure = short-term effects
- Didn't achieve aim (overthrow gov.)
- Nazis not organised
- Nazi Party = BANNED
- Hitler = ARRESTED
- Neither army NOR police supported Hitler
- Success had long-term effects
- Success had long-term effects
- Failure caused Hitler + other Nazi leaders to RE-THINK tactics
- LATER proven to be successful
- Hitler gained publicity from the trial. (Gives time to write book) Mein Kempf became a best seller
- People were sympathetic to Nazi ideas.
- Nazi Party was only banned for a short time
- Hitler's sentence was shortened
- Failure caused Hitler + other Nazi leaders to RE-THINK tactics
- Events
- Failure = short-term effects
- Didn't achieve aim (overthrow gov.)
- Nazis not organised
- Nazi Party = BANNED
- Hitler = ARRESTED
- Neither army NOR police supported Hitler
- Failure = short-term effects
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