The Nature of God
- Created by: _alf24
- Created on: 29-10-14 15:11
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- The Nature of God
- Simplicity of God
- Augustine
- God is unchangeable and so can't loose or gain characteristics.
- To talk of God is to talk of a being that exists
- Aquinas
- God is immaterial. He has no body with characteristics. God is simply God
- Davies
- "God is not a thing like a human being but God is a thing in the same sense as you might talk about the human race as a whole"
- Anselm
- Existence is a predicate of God
- Augustine
- Eternal
- Aquinas
- Time and change are inseparable, God cannot change so God cannot be in time.
- Anselm
- God is eternal because nothing can contain God
- Boethius
- All time is present to God simultaneously.
- God is changeless and does not exist in time
- Bible
- Malachi 3:6
- "For I the Lord do not change"
- Psalm 102:27
- "but you are the same and your years have no end"
- Malachi 3:6
- Aquinas
- Everlasting
- Swinburne
- The idea of all evens occouring simultaneously is incoherent
- Bible
- Psalm 100:5
- "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever"
- Revelation 1:8
- "'I am the alpha and the omega' says the Lord 'who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty'"
- Psalm 100:5
- Swinburne
- Omnipotent God
- Aquinas
- God is an active power, shown by His activity in the world - miracles
- Answers criticisms such as 'Can God climb a tree'
- "If God is eternal and not physical, then God does not have a body to climb a tree"
- Descartes
- God can do anything including what might seem impossible.
- Bible
- Luke 1:37
- "For with God nothing shall be impossible"
- Matthew 19:26
- "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible"
- Luke 1:37
- Anselm
- God cannot sin as this contradicts the nature of God that God is good
- Kenny
- "A being is omnipotent is it has every power which it is logically possible to possess"
- Aquinas
- Omniscient God
- Aquinas
- God has knowledge because knowledge is not physical
- Analogy of a man walking down a road
- Boethius
- God "takes in all of history in a single glance"
- God does not have forenowledge
- Kenny
- "Therefore while I type these very words Nero fiddles heartlessly on"
- Sorabji
- "If Gods infallible knowledge of our doing exists in advance, then we are too late so to act that God will give a different judgement"
- Anscome
- "There was no such thing as how someone would have spent their future if he had not died as a child"
- Aquinas
- Simplicity of God
- The Bible quotes to support God being eternal aren't good enough
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