The Odyssey - Book 5
- Created by: 08bmoor
- Created on: 31-10-14 18:06
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- The Odyssey - Book 5
- Hermes journeys to Ogygia.
- Ogygia is an extremely distant island.
- Ogygia is also very beautiful.
- Hermes has to stand in awe at it, even though he is a God.
- Odysseus is disconsolate there.
- Calypso offers Hermes Xenia.
- Hermes explains why he is there.
- This angers Calypso as she feels there is a double standard between male and female Gods.
- Hermes explains why he is there.
- Calypso agrees to let Odysseus go home.
- She won't help him on his way, she will only give him directions and provisions.
- Odysseus thinks her kindness is a trap. Calypso dismisses this and tries to convince him to stay but Odysseus is set on going.
- She won't help him on his way, she will only give him directions and provisions.
- Odysseus begins to build his raft with tools Calypso gives him.
- He leaves on the 5th day.
- Calypso makes the breeze gentle.
- He leaves on the 5th day.
- Poseidon, on his way back from Ethiopia sees Odysseus and strikes up a storm.
- Odysseus is knocked off his raft but he manages to climb back on.
- Athene is recalling that even though Odysseus is a good mortal he is still kept from his family.
- It is the fate of Odysseus to get home.
- Zeus reminds Athene that she has the power to help Odysseus.
- Lecouthoe gives Odysseus her veil and tells him to swim for his life.
- Odysseus does not swim straight away.
- He waits until the last moment.
- Odysseus does not swim straight away.
- Poseidon sends a wave which destroys Odysseus' raft.
- Odysseus swims to safety and Poseidon leaves Odysseus to fulfil his fate.
- Athene calms the winds.
- Odysseus swims to safety and Poseidon leaves Odysseus to fulfil his fate.
- After a few days Odysseus finally gets close to the shore, when a storm starts up again. There is no shelter to protect him.
- Athene puts it in his mind to grab onto the rocks.
- He is flung back out to sea.
- He sees the mouth of a stream and the river God slows the water for him.
- He is flung back out to sea.
- Athene puts it in his mind to grab onto the rocks.
- Odysseus crawls into a shelter he finds and Athene fills his eyes with sleep.
- Hermes journeys to Ogygia.
- Odysseus is knocked off his raft but he manages to climb back on.
- Athene is recalling that even though Odysseus is a good mortal he is still kept from his family.
- It is the fate of Odysseus to get home.
- Zeus reminds Athene that she has the power to help Odysseus.
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