The Odyssey - Book 7
- Created by: 08bmoor
- Created on: 31-10-14 21:21
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- The Odyssey - Book 7
- Odysseus prays in the grove and Nausicaa reaches the palace.
- Eurymedusa helps Nausicaa retire to bed.
- Odysseus heads to the city, Athene covers him in a thick mist.
- Athene disguises herself as a young girl and stops to meet Odysseus.
- Odysseus asks her for directions. Athene agrees and advises him not to talk to anyone.
- Athene disguises herself as a young girl and stops to meet Odysseus.
- Odysseus marvels at the city.
- They reach the palace. Athene tells him to go straight to Arete. Athene tells Odysseus how wise Arete is.
- We learn how beautiful and well-built Alcinous' palace.
- Alcinous' garden is always fruitful as the Phaeacians are favoured by the Gods.
- Odysseus stops to admire the palace. He finds the captains and counsellors pouring libations for Hermes.
- Odysseus, still covered in Athene's mist walks straight through the hall. He throws himself at Arete's feet and the mist disappears.
- Odysseus asks for help and makes his case. Everyone is silent until Echeneus spoke and told Alcinous to show him hospitality.
- Alcinous listens and Odysseus is given food and drink whilst they pour more libations.
- Odysseus asks for help and makes his case. Everyone is silent until Echeneus spoke and told Alcinous to show him hospitality.
- Odysseus, still covered in Athene's mist walks straight through the hall. He throws himself at Arete's feet and the mist disappears.
- People suspect Odysseus may be a God, but he rejects this as he is so unlucky.
- All he wants is to see Ithaca one last time. He is applauded and they agree to help him.
- All the guests go home.
- All he wants is to see Ithaca one last time. He is applauded and they agree to help him.
- Arete recognises the clothes Odysseus is wearing and questions him.
- Odysseus explains his story and how he came to Scherie
- Alcinous criticises Nausicaa actions of not bringing Odysseus straight to the palace.
- Odysseus says tells Alcinous it was his idea to no tome at once.
- Alcinous says that if Odysseus were to stay on Scherie, Odysseus could take her in marriage.
- Odysseus says tells Alcinous it was his idea to no tome at once.
- Alcinous states that the day of departure shall be the next day, Odysseus can sleep the whole way to Ithaca.
- Arete instructs the maids to make a bed up for Odysseus. Odysseus goes to sleep alone.
- Odysseus prays in the grove and Nausicaa reaches the palace.
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