The Origins of the Universe
- Created by: alexda
- Created on: 17-05-14 23:12
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- The Origins of the Universe
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Big Bang theory states that the whole Universe started out as a tiny particle . The Universe expanded from this point and is still expanding today.
- The Steady State Theory
- The Steady State theory says that the Universe has always existed. It is expanding and new matter is being created as it expands to keep the density constant.
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Scientists detected low frequency electromagnetic radiation coming from all parts of the Universe. This is known as CMB. Big Bang Theory says this is energy created at the beginning of the universe linked to an ageing Universe.
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Big Bang theory states that the whole Universe started out as a tiny particle . The Universe expanded from this point and is still expanding today.
- The Big Bang Theory
- Scientists detected low frequency electromagnetic radiation coming from all parts of the Universe. This is known as CMB. Big Bang Theory says this is energy created at the beginning of the universe linked to an ageing Universe.
- Red shift
- Light from other galaxies has a longer wavelength than expected. The change in wavelength shows that galaxies are moving away.
- More distant galaxies have greater red shift than nearer ones. This suggests that the Universe is expanding.
- Light from other galaxies has a longer wavelength than expected. The change in wavelength shows that galaxies are moving away.
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Steady State theory says that the Universe has always existed. It is expanding and new matter is being created as it expands to keep the density constant.
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