The Panathenaia
- Created by: Annie
- Created on: 14-10-13 17:04
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- The Panathenaia
- Most important Athenian festival
- Took place at end of July every year to celebrate Athena's birthday
- Lasted for 4 days
- The Procession
- Main event = procession through the city to the Acropolis
- At the end of the procession Athenians placed a statue of Athena on the Acropolis and put the Peplos on it.
- Began at Dipylon Gate. 100 sacrificed animals were driven along the route.
- Many levels of Athenian society were represented (metics, children, young women)
- Main event = procession through the city to the Acropolis
- Musical Contests
- Rhapsodes (reciters of epic poetry) competed for crowns or valuable prizes.
- Competitions also for who could best play and accompany the lyre and the aulos.
- Sporting Events
- Most important athletic events in Greek World.
- 200m Sprint, Pentathalon, Wrestling, Boxing and Equestrian Events.
- Prizes were amphoras of olive oil with a picture of Athena on one side and event which competitor participated in.
- Olive Oil = valuable
- Tribal Contests
- Only open to Athenians unlike other contests which were open to all Greeks.
- Between 10 tribes of city.
- A Torch race from Dipylon Gate to Acropolis
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