GCSE AQA PE Unit1 part2
- Created by: Chris Parsons
- Created on: 27-11-12 17:30
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- The Participant as an individual
- Environment
- Weather
- Can’t train or compete in some conditions
- Pollution
- Affects breathing especially for endurance events
- Terrain
- Different terrains affect the performer, certain terrain needed for sport
- Slopes and snow for skier
- Surf and sea for a surfer
- Different terrains affect the performer, certain terrain needed for sport
- Humidity
- Struggle to keep body cool and leads to dehydration
- Heat
- Suffer from dehydration and hypothermia
- Altitude
- Increases oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, popular with long distance runners.
- Weather
- Risk and Challenge
- Risk assessment = spotting hazards or dangers
- Different environments = different risks
- Risk control = spotting dangers before activity
- Activity Levels and needs
- Activity Effects
- High levels - improve body shape and posture, reducing illness, improve basic levels of strength,stamina and flexibility
- Low levels - no or little positive effect
- Activity Needs
- Recreational - not as demanding, at a convenient time, amusement or relaxation
- Competitive - Highly committed, professionals, involves some for of contest,rivalry or game
- Activity Effects
- Training
- Peak Season
- analyse performance
- increase intensity of training
- matches
- Pre- Season
- team building tour
- friendly matches
- basic skills
- increase fitness
- diet modification
- Post Season
- relax
- maintain basic fitness/skill
- recovery
- Peak Season
- By Chris Parsons
- Environment
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