the perodic tabel
this has only been published as i needed to print this it will be edited at a later date
- Created by: Andrei stephen
- Created on: 10-10-13 17:40
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- The periodic table
- as you go along the period the electronic attraction increases
- the electronic radius is half the distance between 2 nuclei of atoms next to each other in the same element
- giant ionic lattices
- in period two both litum and beryllium and boron are giant ionic lattices with metallic bonds that are strong due to the forces of attraction
- in period two this is sodium magnesium and almimum
- in period two both litum and beryllium and boron are giant ionic lattices with metallic bonds that are strong due to the forces of attraction
- giant covalent structures
- silcon in period 3
- chlorine in period 2
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