The PLO mindmap
- Created by: rhiannon
- Created on: 16-04-14 20:43
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- The PLO
- Yasser Arafat
- Charismatic leader
- 1969
- Led a similar terrorist organisation called Fatah beforehand
- Aims
- Destroy the state of Israel
- Re-establish Palestine as the home of the Palestinian arabs
- Make the new Palestine part of the wider Arab, Muslim country
- Poverty
- Most recruits came from refugee camps which were set up when over a million Palestinians left
- Injustice
- Palestinians lost what they saw as their land
- This forced them to live in refugee camps in densely populated areas
- Israeli settlements were established on their land in the 1970s which the government didn't stop
- History
- Israeli forces attacked the PLO's bases in Lebanon and drove them out in 1982
- Christian fighters entered the Palestinian refugee camps and performed a massacre killing over 1000 Palestinians
- Strength of the Enemy
- PLO had support from many Arab states
- It faced a powerful army in the Middle East supplied by the USA
- Strengths of PLO
- Charismatic leader
- Secure bases in Lebanon
- Powerful base of support
- Finances
- Palestinian "state within a state"
- Culture and propaganda
- Getting tough
- Israel launched an invasion of Lebanon to destroy PLO's bases
- Around 19,000 civilians killed
- Intifada - large scale uprising on the Gaza ***** and West bank in 1987
- Government used commando raids to target leaders and military force
- Invaded different countries
- Added checkpoints and curfews
- Stropped education
- Israeli troops used tear gas, rubber bullets and live round
- USA wanted a confession from Arafat to accept that Israel had the right to exist
- Arafat needed USA support - only state Israel listened to
- Resorting to terrorism
- Religion
- Undisputed lad
- Nationalism
- Protection of the weak
- Talk
- Arafat expressed his support of Saddam Hussein - bitter opponent of Israel
- George Bush Senior was keen to establish a peace process in the Middle East
- A Palestinian authority was set up to control aspects of daily life in Gaza and Jericho
- Israel promised to withdraw troops from the region but remained to protect Jewish settlers
- Yasser Arafat
- This forced them to live in refugee camps in densely populated areas
- Israel launched an invasion of Lebanon to destroy PLO's bases
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