The aims of the Postwar Consensus 1951-64
- Created by: Lizzie
- Created on: 08-04-14 11:48
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- Aims of the Postwar Consensus 1951-64
- Housing
- The state will provide 'social housing' for those poorer people who needed it
- Social security
- The state is responsible for providing money to support all people when they need it e.g. illness
- Education
- Free secondary schooling for all. A law was passed in 1944 which set up Grammar schools, secondary moderns and Technical schools. School was compulsory to 15.
- Full employment
- The government had to use Keynesianism to make sure there was no unemployment
- Mixed economy and nationalised industries
- Conservatives were less keen although they only denationalised two after they got into power in 1951
- Free health care
- Bevan introduced the NHS which all people could use if British
- A broad agreement among the parties on the essential policies which will govern the nation.
- Housing
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