Health and social care questions -January 2013 paper
- Created by: CharlGoddard
- Created on: 12-05-15 09:30
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- The range of practitioners at the hospice includes doctors, registered nurses, respiratory therapists, social workers, chaplains and pharmacists. Assess the importance of multi-disciplinary working in providing effective care.
- It is more likely that the all of the service users needs are met.
- All different specialists are working together so they can share information and knowledge, this will improve the standard of care.
- 10 marks
- It promotes a needs led approach
- greater professionalism is brought to the caring of service users.
- It prevents gaps from emerging.
- It is cost effective.
- Problems associated with the multi disciplinary approach..
- Problems associated with the multi disciplinary approach..
- Problems associated with the multi disciplinary approach..
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