The Second Coming (+The Wasteland) notes
- Created by: Georgia Pegden
- Created on: 02-04-13 19:47
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- The Second Coming
- "gyre"
- Yeats created a theory that history was in two conical spirals or "gyres"
- conflict between "ancient" and "modern" history in the gyres
- World is reaching the end of one of the gyres - end of the World before it begins again
- Yeats believed the world was on the threshold of an apocalyptic revelation
- World is reaching the end of one of the gyres - end of the World before it begins again
- conflict between "ancient" and "modern" history in the gyres
- Yeats created a theory that history was in two conical spirals or "gyres"
- described current world state (1921) in terms of the "gyres" theory
- Yeats believed the world was on the threshold of an apocalyptic revelation
- "Spiritus Mundi" (12) - spirit of the world
- right after WW1, world is in turmoil
- like Eliot's poetry - The Wasteland
- references the Second Coming of Christ
- however not as expected, instead new Messiah is a "rough beast" (21)
- sphinx or not?
- we have lost touch with religion as the falconer has lost touch with the falcon (2)
- loss of religion in The Wasteland
- "stony sleep" - sleep of Christianity of the sleep of the beast"
- loss of religion in The Wasteland
- Christianity's version of the Second Coming mentions "glory" and has a sense of finality, this does not
- "ceremony of innocence" (6) baptisms? or the cultural rituals of civalization
- lost over time, historical rituals lost through modernisation
- conflict between "ancient" and "modern" history in the gyres
- World is reaching the end of one of the gyres - end of the World before it begins again
- World is reaching the end of one of the gyres - end of the World before it begins again
- "stony sleep" - sleep of Christianity of the sleep of the beast"
- conflict between "ancient" and "modern" history in the gyres
- lost over time, historical rituals lost through modernisation
- "rocking cradle" - birth of Christ?
- however not as expected, instead new Messiah is a "rough beast" (21)
- "gyre"
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