Psychology: The Self Notes
- Created by: ccaitlin
- Created on: 09-06-14 15:04
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- The Self
- Core Theory
- Self Concept, how you see yourself
- Self Esteem, how you feel about yourself
- Ideal Self, who/what you'd like to be like
- Self Actualisation, full potentional
- Unconditional Positive Regard, someone will love and support you no matter what
- Positive Regard, how people judge us in a positive way
- Conditional Positive Regard, you can be given a compliment but someone can change it into something negative
- Core Study
- Aim: to find out if having a pet affects your self esteem
- Procedure: 131 students from Illinois, all pet owners answered a questionnaire containing a scale to measure Self Esteem/Concept, attachment and authomy
- Results: it showed that people with pets were likely to have a higher self esteem and authomy and 11 year old had a higher self concept.
- Alternative Theory
- Psychologist believe that traits of the personality are developed when you're born such as an extrovert will be likely to love taking risks.
- Core Theory
- Results: it showed that people with pets were likely to have a higher self esteem and authomy and 11 year old had a higher self concept.
- Application: Counselling
- Criticisms of the Core Theory
- Vague concepts, everyone's different.
- It's not scientific, it's not been proven by any scientific experiements
- Criticisms of the Core Study
- Questionnaires aren't always reliable, people can lie
- Self Esteem is too complex to rate on a scale
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