- Created by: Millie Hunter
- Created on: 21-04-13 18:11
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- The Social Approach
- definition and key terms
- the social approach is about people, how they live together comfortably, and when they do not, social structures. who obeys, who gives orders
- methodology
- validity - measuring what you claim to measure
- reliability- if repeated would you get the same results?
- Generalisability- does it measure what its supposed to be measuring?
- objectivity/ subjectivity - subjective is bias, objective is not bias
- credilbility - are the findings accepted
- Aim, hypothesis, operationalising, IV, DV, conditions, control
- sitiuational variables- envronment variables which could affect a study.
- participant variables - e.g hunger, tiredness etc
- Demand characterisitcs
- Social desireability
- sampling methods;random, stratified,volunteer/ opportunity.
- content
- Milgrams obedience study
- Obedience means to obey a direct order from an authority figure.
- AIM: to test the effect an authority figure has on obedience levels
- Milgrams obedience study
- studies
- key issue
- definition and key terms
- Ethical guidelines
- informed consent
- deception
- right to withdraw
- debriefing
- competence
- research methods
- Interviews
- Structured, semistructured, unstructured
- Questionairres
- Closed/open questions
- Interviews
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