C: The Third Reich in Action - minority groups
- Created by: BeccaEK
- Created on: 27-04-15 17:11
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- The third reich in action - Hitler's attitudes to minorities
- Jews
- Ideas about Jews
- Long existing tradition of hostility towards Jews
- Nazis took advantage of this
- Jews easy to identify
- Respect for education led to jobs such as: doctors, lawyers or businessmen
- Economic success led to jealousy from non-Jews
- Respect for education led to jobs such as: doctors, lawyers or businessmen
- Hitler's personal hatred of Jews came from his time in Vienna
- He was in poverty but saw rich Jews around him
- Economic success led to jealousy from non-Jews
- He was in poverty but saw rich Jews around him
- Mein Kampf frequently referred to Jews
- It was clear he hated them
- Thought Jews contaminated pure German blood
- Long existing tradition of hostility towards Jews
- Treatment of Jews
- Seen as 'untermenschen'
- Sub-humans
- April 1933 - 1st boycotts of Jewish shops, doctors, lawyers
- April 1933 - Jews excluded from government jobs
- Buses, trains, parks had designated seats for Jews
- In school, children taught anti-Semitic ideas
- Jewish children ridiculed by teachers + bullied by other children
- Bullying unpunished
- Jewish children ridiculed by teachers + bullied by other children
- Seen as 'untermenschen'
- Nuremberg Laws
- Jews lost their right to be German citizens
- Marriage between Jew + non-Jew forbidden
- Caused 250,000 Jews to leave Germany from 1933-1939
- 1936-1937 = Jews could no longer be teachers, dentists, surveyors, auctioneers, nurses or accountants
- During Olympics 1936 open violence towards Jews suspended
- June 1937 - Jewish women who slept with a German to be sent to concentration camps
- Jews lost their right to be German citizens
- Kristallnacht
- November 1938 - German diplomat murdered by a Jew
- In retaliation Hitler ordered 7 days of terror for Jews by **
- 9th Nov 1939 Kristallnacht began 7 days of terror
- 'Night of broken glass'
- 10,000 shops destroyed + contents stolen
- Homes + synagogues set on fire
- Jews made to pay fine of 1 billion marks in damages for the night
- Over 30,000 sent to concentration camps after
- November 1938 - German diplomat murdered by a Jew
- Ideas about Jews
- Gypsies
- Only others (with Jews) targeted for extermination in 'final solution'
- Possessed no territories, so were outsiders
- For centuries they had suffered discriminaton + persecution
- 1920 - a book described them as 'unworthy of life'
- Their 'crime' was transmitting genetic diseases
- 1920 - forbidden from entering parks/public baths
- All gypsies (inc. children) carried ID card with fingerprint + photos
- Sept 1935 Nuremberg law forbade intermarriage
- June 1938 - Gypsy Clean-up Week
- Similar to 7 days of terror for Jews
- 1938 - 1st reference to 'The Final Solution of the Gypsy Question'
- Jan 1940 - 1st mass genocide of Holocaust
- 250 gypsy children murdered in Buchenwald
- Used to test efficiency of chemicals later used in gas chambers
- 250 gypsy children murdered in Buchenwald
- Mentally ill + disbabled
- July 1933 - 'Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases'
- Sterilisation of all those with hereditary diseases
- Supposed to 'weed out' genetic defects from German gene pool
- Sterilisation of all those with hereditary diseases
- Jan 1934 - Forced sterilisation
- Between 300,000 and 400,000 legally sterilised
- Simply diagnosis of 'feeble minded' was enough for this
- Between 300,000 and 400,000 legally sterilised
- Several thousand died from steirlisation
- Majority sterilised were patients in mental hospitals
- Majority aged between 20 and 40
- 1935 Marriage law
- All marriages needed proof that children would not have mental illness
- Hitler allowed them to be killed, not to relieve suffering, but to eradicate them
- Called 'Operation T4'
- Used Carbon Monoxide gas
- July 1933 - 'Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases'
- Homosexuals
- After unification, homosexuality became a crime
- Laws against them strictly enforced + there was considerable dicrimination
- Hitler attacked homosexuals in his own government
- Agreed to murder of Ernst Rohm (leader of SA) in June 1934
- Most of ** thought death penalty should be in place for homosexuality
- 1937 on - homosexuals sent to concentration cmaps
- Forced to wear pink triangle
- ** used them for target practice in some camps
- After unification, homosexuality became a crime
- Jews
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