National 5 History: Unit 3 Hitler & Nazi Germany- Treaty of Versailles
- Created by: MairiCrosby
- Created on: 18-04-15 17:01
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- The Treaty of Versailles
- The 'Big 3'
- Clemenceau
- Wanted revenge and to make Germany weak so she couldn't attack France again
- Llyod George
- Wanted a fair treaty but also to punish Germany
- Wilson
- Thought treaty was too harsh and would lead to resentment
- Clemenceau
- Forces Reduced
- Army reduced to 100,000
- No airforce
- Navy reduced to 18 ships
- Land
- German colonies taken from her
- Alsace and Lorraine given back to France
- Land given to Poland to make Polish corridor
- North Schleswiq (for Denmark)
- Eupen & Malmedy (for Denmark)
- War Reperations
- $6.6 billion
- War Guilt Clause
- responsibility for the war
- Signed at the end of WW1
- Germany NOT invited to attend
- Signed in Palace of versailles
- The 'Big 3'
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