Weimar Republic initial problems

  • Created by: ha648
  • Created on: 27-01-15 20:54
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  • The Weimar Republic Problems 1919-1920
    • Conflict between parties
      • conflicting parties couldn't agree on things quickly enough
      • Weakness caused within the Weimar Republic could allow extremist parties to come to power
    • 'November Criminals'
      • Many Germans didn't understand that Germany had lost the war
        • Believed the men who signed the Treaty of Versailles shouldn't have done and so were called criminals
          • 'November Criminals'
            • Many Germans didn't understand that Germany had lost the war
              • Believed the men who signed the Treaty of Versailles shouldn't have done and so were called criminals
              • Vicious reaction by Germany towards their own government (Weimar Republic) for signing the Treaty of Versailles
              • 1920, The Kapp Putsch: revolution against the Weimar Republic as many hated the November Criminals
        • Vicious reaction by Germany towards their own government (Weimar Republic) for signing the Treaty of Versailles
        • 1920, The Kapp Putsch: revolution against the Weimar Republic as many hated the November Criminals
      • German President
        • Head of state, elected by the people
        • Could appoint and dismiss chancellor
        • Could use article 48 to suspend democracy and rule by issuing laws


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