- Created by: Lydlyn
- Created on: 27-02-18 16:19
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- Theft (S1 TA 1968)
- Actus Reus
- Appropriation
- Section 3
- Assumption of the rights of the owner
- Pitham and Hehl: selling furniture was an appropriation
- Morris: switched price labels to pay a lower price
- Lawrence: taxi driver took extra from an Italian man's wallet
- Property
- Section 4
- Includes money and all other property real or personal, including things in action and other intangible property
- Oxford v Moss: stole exam papers, info in paper is not counted as property
- Belonging to another
- Section 5
- Turner: left car at garage, took it back. Car was in possession and control of the garage
- Davidge v Bunnett: money given to D for bill used to buy Christmas presents
- Appropriation
- Mens Rea
- Dishonesty
- NOT dishonest if have the right in law to deprive, knew would have consent, person who property belongs to cannot be found by taking reasonable steps
- Section 2
- Intention to permanently deprive
- Velumyl: took money from office safe and intended to return. theft because not exact same notes would be returned
- Lloyd: borrowing property and keeping it until the goodness has gone out of it is theft
- Section 6
- Dishonesty
- Actus Reus
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