Theme B: Parliament
- Created by: Burney7
- Created on: 06-10-20 10:43
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- Parliament
- House of Commons
- MPs
- Who can run?
- 18+
- UK or Commonwealth citizen
- Paid £500 deposit
- Nominated 10 local party members
- Who can’t run?
- Police force
- Armed forces
- Lord
- Bankrupt
- What MPs do
- Parliament
- Party meetings
- Scrutinise government
- Discuss/Examine issues
- Debate/ Pass laws and bills
- Represent constituency
- Electorates
- Help constituents
- Visit schools/community groups
- Work on parliamentary issues
- Respond to concerns
- Parliament
- Who can run?
- How Laws are Made
- House of Lords
- Prime Minister
- Cabinet Ministers (front-benchers)
- MPs
- House of Lords
- British Constitution
- Common law: made by judges
- Statute law: Laws passed over long period
- Conventions: over time
- European Law
- Devolution
- Scottish Independence
- For
- Can prioritise themselves
- Be wealthy
- Already have Scot. Parliament
- Against
- More opportunities in UK
- More secure
- Establish own currency
- For
- Local Parliaments
- Scottish Independence
- House of Commons
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