Theme of Love in Ibsen and Rossetti
- Created by: wanjikar
- Created on: 25-02-22 09:09
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- Love in Ibsen and Rossetti
- Prison
- Nora's reborn after she leaves Torvald
- realises she's been a "doll wife"
- Twice
- P.V is rejected and instead turns to God and her life becomes more positive
- Soeur Louise
- goes to a nunnery- to release herself from the pain of the affair
- "my rose of life gone all prickly"
- goes to a nunnery- to release herself from the pain of the affair
- No Thank You John
- The P.V. would rather remain alone than be in love
- "Here's friendship for you if you like; but love, No, thank you, John."
- The P.V. would rather remain alone than be in love
- Nora's reborn after she leaves Torvald
- Paradise
- A Birthday
- celebration of romantic love
- "my love has come to me"
- Honeymoon period at the start of ADH
- use of nicknames: "skylark", "squirrel"
- A Birthday
- Negative Aspects of Love
- Dr Rank has an unrequited love for Nora
- "Nora- do you think he is the only one who would gladly lay his life down for you?"
- "this was really horrid of you."
- "Nora- do you think he is the only one who would gladly lay his life down for you?"
- Krogstad expresses the pain he felt when Christine rejected him
- "When I lost you, it was just as though all solid ground had been swept from under my feet."
- Maude Clare was passed over for Nell but Nell doesn't have Thomas' love
- Twice
- P.V is rejected
- "you took my heart in your hand... with a critical eye you scanned, then set it down"
- Soeur Louise
- heartbroken- replaced by a younger woman
- Christine married someone for financial security
- No Thank you John
- "You know I never loved you, John"
- Torvald rejects Nora when he finds out about the loan
- "You have ruined my whole future."
- Nora leaves Torvald and hands him back his ring
- "You have never loved me. You just tgought it was fun to be in love with me."
- Nora believes she has to keep looking young or would be replaced
- Dr Rank has an unrequited love for Nora
- Familial Love
- Goblin Market
- Lizzie sacrifices herself to protect and save Laura
- "would tell them how her sister stood in deadly peril to do her good"
- Lizzie sacrifices herself to protect and save Laura
- Nora and her kids
- "Corrupt my little children! Poison my home! It couldn't be true!"
- Krogstad attempts to become a better person for the sake of his kids
- Nora sacrifices seeing her father again in order to save Torvald
- Goblin Market
- Ibsen
- mother in law was a prominent feminist figure
- moddled on Laura Kieler who borrowed money to save her husband
- middle class women are the target audience- would appeal to them
- Ibsen
- mother in law was a prominent feminist figure
- moddled on Laura Kieler who borrowed money to save her husband
- middle class women are the target audience- would appeal to them
- Ibsen
- Ibsen Critics
- "Ibsen meant [Nora] to be Everyman."- Adams
- "it is this young woman's duty to leave this husband who slowly sacrifices her on the altar of his egotism."
- Ibsen taught Europe... to look at marriage... as an unequal partnership." Biinion
- Prison
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