A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Created by: Moriah Pringle
- Created on: 28-10-13 14:19
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- The Four Lovers
- Demetrius
- Quotes
- O,Helen, godess, nymph, divine A3 s2
- For i am sick when i do look on thee act 2 sc 1
- Characteristics
- 'monster'
- rude
- 'monster'
- actions
- extreme change of feelings towered Helena
- threatens Helena to get her to go away
- Quotes
- Helena
- Quotes
- Use me but as your spaniel -Act 2 scene 1
- Through Athens I am thought as fair as she... Demertrius thinks not so -Act 1 scene1
- i see you all are bent to set against me
- Characteristics
- whinny/ self-pity
- self-absorbed
- infatuated
- Actions
- Betrays her best friend
- When the boys show interest in her she thinks it is a joke
- Mad at her BFF for betraying her after she does the same
- Quotes
- Hermia
- Quotes
- can you do me more harm than hate? A3 S2
- Little again! Act3 sc2
- Characteristics
- stuborn
- sensitive
- feirce
- Actions
- agrees to run away with Lys. against her father's ( and Theseus') wishes
- Quotes
- Lysander
- Characteristics
- romantic
- sassy
- Quotes
- Although I hate her, I'll not kill her so Act3 sc2
- the course of true love never did run smooth Act1 Scene 1
- Actions
- Tries to elope with Hermia Act1
- when Theseus finds them in the woods, he is honest about why.
- Dramatic change of feelings for Hermia
- Characteristics
- Demetrius
- Dramatic change of feelings for Hermia
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