Themes and topics
- Created by: RHC75
- Created on: 31-03-14 15:29
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- Themes and topics
- social norms
- Importance of being Ernest
- Eating out
- occasions
- Eating out
- violence
- Donte's Lobster
- a modest proposal
- Titus Andronicus
- The Butcher's shop
- expectations
- Importance of being Ernest
- Eating out
- The Sweet menu
- Morals
- Donte's Lobster
- A modest proposal
- Tradition
- The coming of Yams and Mangoes
- Grandpas soup
- That surprising Craig girl
- cultural norms
- the coming of yams and mangoes
- Granpas soup
- health and nutrition
- Nigella
- vegetarian
- social norms
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