Of Mice and Men - Themes
this is a mind map of all the major themes in the novel - Of Mice and Men.
- Created by: Haden Cornish
- Created on: 29-03-13 15:18
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- Themes in OMAM
- Pessimism and Optimism
- Lennie's death is optimistic and pessimistic
- He was killed by somebody he trusts - George. he also died happy, believing in the dream.
- Loss of life
- George free from Lennie and the trouble he brings
- Lennie's death is optimistic and pessimistic
- Dreams and Reality
- Many characters have dreams - Curley's Wife, George and ranch workers.
- Ranch workers want to be cowboy heroes from magazine they read
- Many characters have dreams - Curley's Wife, George and ranch workers.
- Relationships
- Relationships are an escape from the harsh depression of the period.
- Examples of relationships are: Candy + his dog, Curley + Wife and so on.
- Relationships are an escape from the harsh depression of the period.
- Loneliness
- Loneliness is common of the ranch workers
- George and Lennie are seen as unusual
- Loneliness is common of the ranch workers
- Human Fragility
- Humanity is small and fragile compared to nature.
- Joy is never achieved for long in the world. if it is then it is eventually taken away.
- Racial and Physical Prejudice and Protest
- Steinbeck protests. Uses acceptable term - '*****'
- Crooks and Candy suffer. Disabled or Black
- Violence
- A constant threat of violence. From the Luger pistol to drowning puppies.
- Pessimism and Optimism
- Many characters have dreams - Curley's Wife, George and ranch workers.
- Ranch workers want to be cowboy heroes from magazine they read
- Curley's Wife was going to be in 'the movies'
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