Theorists for Language and Prestige

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  • Theorists of Language and Prestige
    • Main Theorist: William Labov (1966)
      • He studied the differences in language used between people of different prestige
      • Labov found that people of a lower status can gain a 'covert prestige' from using non-standard English. This could be when speaking with peers they 'seek' covert prestige by using their language in a non-standard way.
      • He found that people of a lower prestige strayed further from standard English in general conversations
        • However, in formal situations they hyper corrected, speaking more clearly and speaking closer to standard English
    • Peter Trudgill (1983)
      • He found that working class men exaggerated their own non-standard use when asked about it.
      • Whereas women were more likely to seek to use standard language to gain overt prestige
    • Jenny Cheshire
      • Cheshire did a study on a boy (Noddy) who used non-standard forms.
        • Noddy also had a reputation for being tough and having deviant behaviour, but this caused him respect from his peers
          • This shows how the different use of language caused the boys to have different levels of prestige
            • In contrast, another boy (Kevin), used non-standard English less and was rated low on tough behaviour and was often the victim of jokes from other boys and excluded from group activities
      • In contrast, another boy (Kevin), used non-standard English less and was rated low on tough behaviour and was often the victim of jokes from other boys and excluded from group activities


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