Genre, Narrative and Representation Theories

  • Created by: 09eatonb
  • Created on: 06-01-16 11:53
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  • Thoeries
    • Genre Theories
      • Steve Neale
        • 'Genre is  repetition with an underlying pattern of variations'
          • This describes the way in which audiences...
            • Want to be surprised
              • want to know what to expect
      • Christine Gledhill
        • Media producers are always working in 'creative tension' with codes and conventions of genre - a positive trend for media.
      • Jane Feuer's
        • In her study 'genre study and television'
          • Genres are not organic in their conception, they are synthetic: artificial creations by intellectuals
    • Narrative theories
      • Todorov (1969)
        • 1. EQUILIBRIUM = all as it should be
          • 2. DISEQUILIBRIUM = a disruption of that order by event (possible enigma)
            • 3. RECOGNISION = realisation that the order has occurred.
              • 4.  REPARATION= an attempt to repair the damage that has occured
                • 5.  NEW EQUILIBRIUM = A return or restoration of new order
      • Roland Barthes (1967)
        • Enigma Codes
          • The narrative will establish enigmas or mysteries as it goes along - The narrative functions to establish and then solve these mysteries.
            • The audience draw pleasure from decoding and solving these  narrative enigma codes
              • Enigma codes can be:
                • Textual
                • Visual
                • Aural
      • Propp (1928)
        • 8 typical characters
          • 1. THE HERO (or a victim/ seeker hero) = reacts to the donor, weds the princess
            • 2. THE VILLAIN = struggles against the hero
              • 3. THE DISPATCHER= the character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off
                • 4. THE (magical) HELPER = helps the hero in their quest
                  • 5. THE PRINCESS (or prize) = Ends up with the hero
                    • 6.  THE DONAR = prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object
                      • 7. THE FALSE HERO = takes credit for the horse actions and tries to marry the princess
    • Representation Theories
      • David Gauntlett
        • Media Studies 2.0 article
          • Pick and Mix theory
            • The audience pick up bits of th media text that is appropriate to them and their lives in media texts such as magazines, and ignore other areas.
      • Laura Mulvey
        • The Male Gaze theory
          • Media through the males eyes - seeing women as objectified and in a sexual manner.
      • Judith Butler
        • Gender Performance theory
          • Gender is a performance-it is what you do at particular times rather than who you are
      • Stuart Hall
        • Audience Responses and Positioning
          • PREFERED READING = The audience agree the producers view on the text
          • NEGOTIATEDREADING = The reader partially believes the text and broadly takes a preferred reading but sometimes modifies it
          • OPPOSITIONAL READING = The reader rejects the  producers view on the text


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