Threats to the Weimar democracy
- Created by: Molly
- Created on: 30-05-13 15:56
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- Threats to Weimar Democracy
- Threats from the left
- The Spartacist uprising 1919
- Threat of Communism
- Threat from left made the government miss the threat of right
- Threat from Right
- Munich Putsch 1923
- Kapp Putsch 1920
- Leniency of the Judiciary to the right
- elements of the old regime remained e.g. army and civil service
- authoritarian rule
- Treaty of Versailles
- brought hyperinflation
- German humiliation
- November criminals
- War Guilt clause
- made democracy look weak
- Nature of the constitution
- 20 coalition governments
- not stable
- too democratic
- Untitled
- Threats from the left
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