Why did 'New Labour' win three elections in a row: 1997, 2001 & 2005?
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 05-05-18 13:50
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- Three elections in a row
- The 1997 election
- Cons. had been in power since 1979
- public boredom with Major government
- widespread perception that the Cons. had become sleazy & dishonest
- Cons. were split over Europe
- New Labour looked strong, united & ready to take power
- Tony Blair was popular & charismatic
- New Labour policies targeted the middle class with a focus on opportunity, education & social justice
- New Labour had rejected / reduced much of what had made 'old Labour' unpopular
- high taxes
- Trade Union links
- class envy
- Why did Labour win in 2001 & 2005?
- all economic indicators were good
- UK's GDP growth was higher than EU average
- Britain had low unemployment
- low inflation
- low interest rates
- rising house prices & living standards for most people
- Brown declared an 'end to boom and bust'
- 10 years of non-stop economic growth 1997-2007
- increased spending on schools & NHS - popular with large groups of voters
- Lab. looked united behind Blair, even after Ira 2003
- at the time many people supported going to war (9/11 2001)
- Blair was populist & a skilled communicator with MC voters of 'Middle England'
- Lab. managed its image & PR very professionally
- Mandelson & spin doctors
- peace in Northern Ireland 1998
- devolution to Scotland & Wales
- New Labour mainly united over Europe
- Blair seen as a strong international statesman for Britain in a number of crises
- Iraq, Balkans, Kosovo, Afghanistan
- 'toxic legacy' of Thatcher for the Tories
- seen by some as the 'nasty party'
- Lab. seen as progressive party delivering economic prosperity & social justice for all
- a winning formula
- Tories went through 4 leaders 1997-2005
- looked like a party in retreat & confusion
- they could not do much against the populist appeal of Blair
- they were in the same position as Lab. in the 1980s under Foot
- they would have to radically relaunch themselves as a 'new party' if they were to ever win power again
- all economic indicators were good
- The 1997 election
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