Unfinished! Will finish tonight meow
- Created by: Leah A
- Created on: 09-06-14 10:56
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- Tiberius
- Pax Romana
- Because of his reluctance to become emperor in the first place, Tiberius followed Augustus' rule by keeping the Pax Romana.
- This meant that he did not extend the empire any more than it needed to, and he didn't go to any unecessary wars.
- Kept natural borders - The Rhine had savage tribes on the other side of it too
- This meant that he did not have to extend or use many troops to guard the borders.
- Used client kingdoms - instead of taking over, he used diplomacy and eventual Romanisation instead of taking over.
- This meant that he could peacefully maintain control over other kingdoms.
- Promoted internal strife in Parthia so they would stop bullying Armenia
- Because of his reluctance to become emperor in the first place, Tiberius followed Augustus' rule by keeping the Pax Romana.
- Sejanus
- The Senate
- Gave the Senate a lot of duties - almost too much!
- They often asked his advice and Tiberius grew sick of them. "Men fit to be slaves"
- The senate disliked him because they thought he ruled arbitually.
- Provincial, Financial and Judicial powers were given.
- They often asked his advice and Tiberius grew sick of them. "Men fit to be slaves"
- Was polite and courteous to them, so they liked him a little.
- Encouraged them to oppose him
- Because of the Maiestas trials, they were reluctant to do so because they were scared of being convicted.
- Sejanus
- Because of the Maiestas trials, they were reluctant to do so because they were scared of being convicted.
- Helped them out financially - Gave Hortalus 200,000 sesterces for every male child he had.
- However he stopped doing this and then the Senate got annoyed again.
- Gave the Senate a lot of duties - almost too much!
- Retirement to Capri
- Didn't want to be emperor (Chatacter & nature)
- Pax Romana
- Promoted internal strife in Parthia so they would stop bullying Armenia
- Because of his reluctance to become emperor in the first place, Tiberius followed Augustus' rule by keeping the Pax Romana.
- This meant that he did not extend the empire any more than it needed to, and he didn't go to any unecessary wars.
- Kept natural borders - The Rhine had savage tribes on the other side of it too
- This meant that he did not have to extend or use many troops to guard the borders.
- Used client kingdoms - instead of taking over, he used diplomacy and eventual Romanisation instead of taking over.
- This meant that he could peacefully maintain control over other kingdoms.
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