Timeline key individuals 570-1199
- Created by: Charlie@A
- Created on: 19-11-19 21:23
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- 610 Foundation of Islam
- 570 Mohammed birth
- Founder of Islam
- 700-1300 Ismalic Golden age
- 751 Muslim armies secure central Asia
- 1087-1100 William Rufus II
- 1095 Pope Urbans call to Crusade
- 1095-1099 1st Crusade
- 1110-1135 Henry I
- 1135-1153 The Anarchy
- 1135-1154 The Reign of Stephen
- 1154-1189 Reign of Henry II
- 1170 Murder of Thomas Becket
- 1189-1199 Richard I Lionheart
- Son of Henry II
- Saladin the great - Muslim military and political leader - negotiated truce
- 1189-1192 3rd Crusade
- 1189-1192 3rd Crusade
- Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162-1170 - highest position in church
- 1189-1199 Richard I Lionheart
- Son of Empress Matilda
- 1170 Murder of Thomas Becket
- 1146-1149 2nd Crusade
- Nephew of Henry I
- 1154-1189 Reign of Henry II
- 1135-1154 The Reign of Stephen
- Son of William I
- Father of Empress Matilda
- 1135-1153 The Anarchy
- 1110-1135 Henry I
- Pope Urban head of Catholic church 1088-1099
- 1095-1099 1st Crusade
- 1095 Pope Urbans call to Crusade
- 1087-1100 William Rufus II
- 751 Muslim armies secure central Asia
- 570 Mohammed birth
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