Tissue- Imtiaz Dharker
- Created by: lucyaa
- Created on: 19-05-17 08:29
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- Tissue- Imtiaz Dharker
- Themes
- Power
- power of paper to change things + record memories
- "this is what could alter things"
- family life, national borders or financial transactions
- "this is what could alter things"
- power of paper to change things + record memories
- Instability
- paper (metaphor for buildings) is at the mercy of the weather
- "might fly our lives like paper kites"
- simile suggests our lives aren't in our control
- if we were to change approach to ownership we would regain a childhood peace
- "might fly our lives like paper kites"
- paper (metaphor for buildings) is at the mercy of the weather
- Human essence
- significance + fragility of paper to fleeting nature of building structures
- "how easily/ they fall away on a sigh...turned into your skin"
- essence of humans can outlast things that seem permanent, like buildings
- "how easily/ they fall away on a sigh...turned into your skin"
- fragility of life is shown by metaphors
- "thinned by age"
- significance + fragility of paper to fleeting nature of building structures
- Power
- Form + structure
- mainly in unrhymed, irregular quatrains
- shows the irregularity of life and the flimsy nature of the tissue paper
- last stanza in 1 line long, drawing attention to it emphasising connection between paper + skin
- enjambment used adding to the flow of the poem
- mainly in unrhymed, irregular quatrains
- Language
- emphasises delicacy of paper by using adjectives
- "fine" "thin" "transparent"
- effect of light shown through adjectives
- "luminous" "daylight" "lets the let shine through"
- emphasises delicacy of paper by using adjectives
- symbolism
- Koran
- "the back of the Koran"
- religion is only powerful due to the paper its on
- shows conflict within religion
- "the back of the Koran"
- Grocery slips
- "that say how much was sold"
- records human existence
- "that say how much was sold"
- Buildings
- "if buildings were paper, I might feel their drift...in the direction of the wind"
- contrasts strength (could represent twin towers
- "an architect could use all this"
- could be the creation of god
- "never wish to build again with bricks"
- do not work with nature + will not last
- "grand designs"
- humans trying to make an impression on the world
- "if buildings were paper, I might feel their drift...in the direction of the wind"
- Maps
- "the sun shines through their borderlines"
- human invention is still dominated by nature
- borderlines where politics divides countries
- "the sun shines through their borderlines"
- Light
- "but let the daylight break"
- pathetic fallacy gives idea of hope
- "but let the daylight break"
- Koran
- extended metaphor
- paper used to present skin, people and society
- "with living tissue, raise a structure never meant to last"
- tissue represents living tissue and skin, as well as paper
- paper used to present skin, people and society
- Context
- someone looking at the conflict + troubles in the modern world
- the world would be better if we shared for qualities with tissue as nothing is meant to last
- Themes
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