To kill a mockingbird main characters
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Zoe Hopkins
- Created on: 30-12-12 12:54
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- TKAMB main characters
- Scout
- Narrator
- Very close relatonship with Atticus and Jem
- Very intelligent - hates school as she knows more than others
- Untitled
- Tomboy
- Resists Aunt's attempts to dress her like a girl
- Sees benefits of being a lady eventually (Aunt Alexandra, Miss Maudie)
- Fights people who insult Atticus (quick temper, lack of self contol)
- Inquisitive - Boo, Calpurnia
- Well meaning - thinks the best of people
- Thinks of others - Walter Cunningham, Boo
- Jem
- Close to Scout but as he grows older he grows apart from her although he still looks out for her and protects her
- Loves and admires Atticus
- Bravery
- Sees himself as brave by casting self as hero in games
- Is brave - trousers at Radley place, when attacked by bob
- Intelligent and quick thinking - sees mad dog, knows ground is cooler
- Scout says he has 'a naturally tranquil disposition and slow fuse.'
- More mature than Scout
- Loses faith in justice system and human nature
- Dill
- Family
- has no proper home - spends time with relatives
- A victim of others' selfishness
- Scout sees him as a 'curiosity'
- Joins in games, active imagination
- His idea to make Boo come out
- Quick thinker - explains Jem's lost trousers
- Becomes 'engaged' to Scout
- Sobs during trial - wants justice, anti racist
- Dill's outsider status allows him to see Maycomb differently
- Wants to be a clown
- Family
- Calpurnia
- Lives in black community
- Doesn't know age
- Atticus sees her as part of the family - been there since Jem's birth
- Firm but kind
- Well educated - taught Scout to write
- Atticus depends on her, refuses to let her go
- At church speaks with a different voice
- Teaches Scout and Jem community values
- Tom Robinson
- Lives on outskirts of Maycomb
- Worked for Mr link Deas for 8 years
- Befriended Mayella/felt sorry for her
- Left arm is crippled so couldn't have injured Mayella
- Speaks well at trial/earns our respect
- Killed when trying toe scape from prison
- Boo Radley
- Name mentioned at start of story
- Scout describes him as a 'malevolent phantom'
- Children afraid to go near his house
- Recluse who was emotionally damaged by his cruel father
- Intelligent - leaves spelling medal in knothole
- Sees whole life of Maycomb from his house
- Grows to love the children - leaves gifts, mends Jem's trousers, saves lives
- Scout realises what life is like for him when she guides him home
- Bob Ewell
- Rough man
- No job and lives off social security money
- Rude and ill mannered
- Racist, ignorant and hate filled
- Proved to be a liar
- Untitled
- Scout