To what extent has modern liberalism departed from the principles of classical liberalism
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 06-04-16 21:32
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- To what extent does modern liberalism depart from the ideas of classical liberalism?
- Human Nature
- Individualism
- Atomism-collection of self-sufficient, egotistical individuals
- MacPherson 'possessive individualism' regards individual as 'the proprietor of his own person or capacities, owing nothing to society for them'
- Individuality
- Egoism tempered by sense of social responsibility
- Green 'individuals have some sense of sympathy for each other: their egoism is constrained by a degree of altruism'
- Mill stressed desire of indv. to achieve personal development autonomy and self-realisation
- High and lower pleasures. Intellectual, development vs crude pleasure seeking.
- Developmental individualism. Mill 'I would rather be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied'
- Changed but still focused on indv.
- Individualism
- Freedom
- Negative
- Absense of restrictions upon an indv. liberty w/indv being free from interference
- Upheld by 'rule of law' where everyone formally equal
- Freedom of speech, religious worship etc. Voltaire 'I detest what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it'
- Positive
- Green said was not sufficient
- Humans prohibited from reaching potential by social disadvantage and injustice
- Right to healthcare, education
- Same preference for self-reliant indv. who take responsibility for their own lives
- Negative
- Role/Size of State
- Link from freedom
- Enabling state
- Minimal state incapable of fixing injustices and inequalities of society
- Social welfarism, rid of five giants in 1942 Beveridge Report 'want, squalor, disease, ignorance and idleness'
- Locke 'Night watch men' state
- Prevent people causing harm to others
- State's role limited to the protection of 'life, liberty and property'
- Should not extend beyond minimal function of preserving public order, protecting property, providing defence of external attack and enforcing social contract
- State should stay out of the economy largely
- Economy
- Laissez-faire economy
- Based upon meritocracy. Spencer revised Darwin's 'survival of the fittest'
- Sumner 'the drunkard in the gutter is just where he ought to be'
- Smiles 'heaven helps those who help themselves'
- Those who work will prosper, incompetent will fail
- Inequalities in wealth and position are natural and state should not interfere
- Self-regulating economy 'invisible hand' Smith
- Can satisfy all needs and wants
- Keynesian economy. Post WW2
- Capitalism does not guarantee prosperity
- Govt can reflate economy during high unemployment by increasing spending or reducing taxes
- Management ensures prosperity
- Very different
- Laissez-faire economy
- Human Nature
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